Home Articles Arms and Military Slovakia as the first buyer of Bosnian RPG 7 MX 2

Slovakia as the first buyer of Bosnian RPG 7 MX 2


The Technical Remount Institute of Hadzić (TRZ) is a place where an old tank can be brought and after a while, one gets the tank as new, even improved. It is the same with the other armoured vehicles. These are jobs dealt with by the TRZ Hadzić – overhaul and modernisation of military equipment. It successfully re-edited the American tanks M60 – A3, howitzer 155 mm, and various other artillery and armoured weapons. Everything is done under strict NATO standards for which it has the appropriate certificates.

In December 2019 Technical Remount Institute (TRZ) Hadzić constructed the first rocket launcher, an RPG 7 MX 2.

Number of experts participated in the development process of the RPG 7 MX 2, but also retired workers in the dedicated industry who have put their knowledge and experience at their disposal. The product is finalized and as announced by TRZ, market conquest follows.

It was the first to be found at the International Defence and Security Exhibition 2018 in Kuala Lumpur. The rocket launcher RPG-7MX 2 has a 40 mm calibre. It is a modernised version of the Soviet missile launcher RPG-7 which can destroy an armoured car or a tank.

RPG-7MX 2 40 mm rocket launcher is a tank infantry weapon. It is intended to destroy the tanks (armoured vehicles) in close combat and it can be used to destroy the living force and fire funds in bunkers, motorists, fortified buildings and open spaces.

The success of tanks (armoured vehicles) is achieved on distances up to 300 m, and on live forces and firearms up to 500 m. It consists of a body with an optical targeting and RAP system. The weapons are served by two soldiers, a gunner and a gunner´s assistant, and the danger zone is 30 m deep and wide. The placement of the tray is 45 degrees from the axis of the weapons. Shooting is possible in standing, kneeling, and lying position.

To target, the RPG 7 MX 2 uses a cumulative, instantaneous and thermobaric mines. The mine is fired out of the pipe with the barrel filling and pierces a steel plate thick up to 330 mm. The current mine is targeting at a detected place. The target velocity is about 4-6 mines per minute. Initial speed is 120 m/sec and after 10 m the speed of mine is 300 m/sec. The targeting range is 500 m.

The optical device on the RPG 7 MX 2 is ON-M80 and it is being used for direct and indirect shooting of a missile with RPG-7MX 2, for the shooting of mobile and still targets as well as armoured vehicles and fortified facilities. To summarize: the calibre of the weapon – 40 mm, the pitcher mass – up to 7 kg, weapons´ length – 953 mm.

The Portal states that it’s a multipurpose, lightweight infantry weapons system characterized by simple use, mobility, durability and low cost, which makes it one of the most popular rocket launchers in the world.

The launcher is manufactured by using a cold-shot technique and can withstand more than 1,000 fires before a breakdown, the effective range against static targets amounts to 800 m, and against the target on the move to 400 m, depending on the type of missile used and optics. A specially designed sight increases the success of the first shot regardless of the conditions, and the OPCA also possesses the ICE lighting that saves the battery and has 2.3 x zoom with a visibility level of 13 degrees. states that quality control and rigorous testing provide longevity and gives it an advantage over similar products. Also, in favour of it, ammunition is easy to use, and it is cheap. It uses HEAT missiles, but it is compatible with every kind of ammunition for standard RPG-7.

Director of the Technical Remount Institute of Hadžići, Meho Rekic for the Portal BiznisInfo, said it was a historic moment not only for the TRZ but for the entire state.

„The first customer is a company from Slovakia and many other countries are interested in the pitcher. It was manufactured in cooperation of TRZ Hadzić and domestic companies that we worked with on the principle of cooperation and subcontractors. We have used all available capacities to employ as many people in Bosnia and Herzegovina as we can to ensure that as much money as possible remains in our country. We are proud of the fact that this product is 95 per cent the work of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s workforce and as a result, we now have a product that is in high demand on the market and which is completely independent of anyone,“ said Rekic for Portal BiznisInfo.

RPG 7 MX 2 is a conventional weapon, which is still not made by countries with dedicated industry more developed than ours. In the region, it is produced only by Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, while Croatia is still working on its development

The Technical-reengineering Institute (TRZ), Hadzić, Canton Sarajevo is a company founded in 1955 with the purpose of production, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment.

It is located 20 km from the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo. It possesses its own industrial track which simplifies and enables good supply and shipping, equipment and weapons because it is connected via a network of the FBiH Railroad railways with the Adriatic Sea from one side and European railways on the other.

The Technical-Remount Institute (TRZ) Hadzić offers services from military and civilian range, as well as weapons marking services. The main military services refer to overhaul of combat equipment, which includes overhaul combat vehicles, artillery and infantry weapons, and the modernisation of weapons and military techniques.

The repair of the combat vehicles refers to tracked battle vehicles, which include tanks and armoured vehicles and wheeled combat vehicles.

The remount of combat vehicles is carried out with modern equipment, special and standard tools. The repair is being done according to technical and repair documentation, determining the extent of the damage and range of substitute parts. Besides, they have the ability to technologically design and equip a stationary unit.

The overhaul of artillery and infantry weapons relates to artillery, mortars, hand launchers, and infantry weapons.

If necessary, it also completes the transfer of the artillery and infantry weapons into the client´s country. The Technical-Remount Institute (TRZ) Hadzić carries out the modernisation of weapons and military equipment underlining the process in which the basic parameters are improved such as firepower, mobility, ballistic protection and other parameters and systems.

Marking of weapons with a single production label (JPO) and import markings (UO and IOO) TRZ Hadzić D.D. received a decision from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations authorising marking weapons under the law on marking small arms and ammunition. The authorisation applies to marking of weapons which are produced by domestic intended industries and weapons imported. The marking is done using a laser engraver.

The Technical-Remount Institute (TRZ) Hadzić has produced and offers the following products: the lightweight rocket launcher-7 MX 2 40 mm, a multifunctional shield for police and security guards, bulletproof vest, helmet with visor, armour inner vest, outer armour vest without backers, with straps, for domineers, wooden packaging, crates, a parachute for lighting.

According to data from the BiH Foreign Trade Chamber, the value of exported weapons in 2019 was EUR 102.54 million. This means the BiH´s dedicated industry, the weapons industry and military equipment, achieved lower weapons exports than in 2018.

The largest exporter of weapons and military equipment in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the company Igman D.D. of the South BiH Cavalry with total revenue of EUR 71.50 million. Igman D.D. Konjic exceeded the plan by EUR 10 million. It occupies the ninth place on the list of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s largest exporters.

In 2016, Technical-Remount Institute (TRZ) Hadzić achieved a turnover of EUR 1.8 million. In June 2016 the company was just about to close. After the pre-bankruptcy procedure was opened in the TRZ, the government of the BiH Federation entities appointed new leadership, which had a seemingly impossible task – to revive a giant who had a capacity of 2,500 workers before the war. However, three and a half years later, TRZ except for its main job and the historically first export of the handheld launcher, is currently working on an overhaul howitzer for the Montenegrin army. TRZ employs 60 workers.

The TRZ announced that in 2020, it is planning to develop a new product – the MK 19 grenade launcher.

Author: Rusmir Piralić

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