
Must Read Stories

After Xi Jinping’s Visit to Serbia, a Mutual Trade Agreement Enters into Force

Serbia and China have a long history of developing relations, highlighted by a rare visit from the Chinese president at the beginning of May. This visit was part of a series in which the president of the East Asian country also traveled to France, meeting with French President Emmanuel...

The EU–Serbia Lithium Deal: Extending the Legacy of Appeasement and Stabilitocracy

In recent years, the dynamics between Serbia and the West have become increasingly intricate, hitting a particularly low point with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Serbia has notably refrained from imposing sanctions on Russia since the conflict began, leading to a 2022 agreement between Russia and Serbia...

Kurti’s Realpolitik and Securitization Amidst Stalled Dialogue

Following the 2020 Washington Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, the Trump administration lost the U.S. elections. On February 14, 2021, Kosovo held elections again, and Albin Kurti won 51% of the votes, marking a historic victory. This significant win bolstered his political mandate and set the stage for a...

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After Xi Jinping’s Visit to Serbia, a Mutual Trade Agreement Enters into Force

Serbia and China have a long history of developing relations, highlighted by a rare visit from the Chinese president at the beginning of May....

The EU–Serbia Lithium Deal: Extending the Legacy of Appeasement and Stabilitocracy

In recent years, the dynamics between Serbia and the West have become increasingly intricate, hitting a particularly low point with the outbreak of the...

Kurti’s Realpolitik and Securitization Amidst Stalled Dialogue

Following the 2020 Washington Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, the Trump administration lost the U.S. elections. On February 14, 2021, Kosovo held elections again,...